Two variant holograph drafts of MINT00709 (Mint 19/3/530)

Diplomatic TextCatalogue Entry

1520 Tunns of Tin at 3li 9s per cwt 104880
Freight to London 2035.14.3
Salaries in London 1350.
Incidents & Porters in London 200.
Passing accounts 94
Salaries in Cornwall 1540
Incidents in Cornwall 600
Interest of 180000li at 6 per cent 10800


Produced annually by sale at 3li 16s per cwt 123 471.8.7
Surplus for insurance & accidents 2211.14.4

1600 tunns of Tin at 3li 9s per cwt
Freight to London

1520 tunns of tinn at 3li. 9s. 6d per cwt 105640
Freight to London 2035.14.3
Salaries in London 1350
Incidents & Porters in London 200
Passing accounts 94
Salaries in Cornwall 1540
Incidents in Cornwall 650
Interest of 180000 at 6 per cent 10800


Insurance & accidents 1461.14.4
Produced annually by sale of Tin at 3li 16s per cwt 123771.8.7