Two variant holograph drafts of MINT00709 (Mint 19/3/530)

Normalised TextCatalogue Entry

15{illeg}20 Tunns of T{illeg}in {illeg}at 3li 9s pr C 1004{illeg}04880
Freight to London 2035.14.3
Salaries in London 1350.
Incidents {illeg}& Porters in London 200.
Passing accounts 94
Salaries in Cornwall 15540
Incidents in Cornwall 600
Interest of 180000li at 6 pr cent 10800


Produced annually by sale at 3li 16s pr C 123 7471.8.7
Surplus for insurance & other accidents 2211.14.4

1600 tunns of Tin at 3li 9s pr C
Freight to London

1520 tunns of tinn at 3li. 9s. 6d pr C 105640
Freight to L 2035.14.23
Salaries in L 1350
Incidents & porters in L Passing acctsIncidents & Porters in London 200
Passing accts 94
Salaries in Cornwall 1540
Incidents in Cornwall 65650
Interest of 180000 at 6 per cent 10800


Insurance & accidens {sic} 14{illeg}6114.64
Produced annually by {illeg}sale of of Tin at 3li 16s pr C 123771.8.7