MINT00486: 'The intended Report of ye Councell of Trade to his Ex[cellen]cie ye Lord Leiut. & Councell of Ireland'

MINT00253: 'A Scheame of the Trade as it as at p[re]sent carried on': clerical copy of 1674 table of import-export trade with France since 1668

MINT00004: The three commissioners invite tenders for melting from [Thomas] Thornton, the present melter, and Edward Robinson

MINT00005: Appointment of Frances Harley as keeper of the officers' diet, succeeding her late husband Edward

MINT00104: Copy of royal warrant authorising payment by the Treasury of coinage expenses despite the expiry of the Coinage Act

MINT00006: Receipt for Mint documents and equipment

MINT00007: Report on the warden's duties

MINT00008: Appointment of Hannah Briggs as keeper of the officers' diet

MINT00833: Warrant of the Earl of Rochester to the warden's agents to take inventories of the possessions of people arrested for false coining and deliver these to the warden

MINT00348: Printed ready-reckoner, compiled by George Brown, of the value in sterling silver of varying finenesses of bullion (for the use of merchants supplying bullion to the Mint) (Edinburgh, 1687)

MINT00349: Similar but less elaborate printed reckoner for bullion values, without the compiler's name

MINT00009: Receipt for Mint documents and equipment

MINT00487: 'The Produce of the Revenue of Ireland in Quarters'

MINT01382: John Whitfield's Letter to Isaac Newton and "H. H."'s [Humphrey Hanwell's?] Letter to William Chaloner

MINT00010: Extract from [previous master] Thomas Neale's indenture

MINT00739: Clerical copies of Earl Marshal's warrants, dated 13 June 1689 and 12 September 1691, prescribing design of silver coin

MINT00738: Royal warrant prescribing design of coin

MINT00105: Accounts of incidental expenditure 5 November 1688 to 30 September 1689

MINT00834: 'A List of the Names of sev[eral] Persons who Claimed by Vertue of their grant ye Goods &c. of Traytors [ie. counterfeiters]'

MINT00350: 'Act of parliament about the Mint'
