MINT00757: Notes and calculations relating to the cost and distribution of various gold and silver medals

MINT01978: Notes and calculations relating to the cost and distribution of various gold and silver medals

MINT01979: Notes and calculations relating to the cost and distribution of various gold and silver medals

MINT01980: Notes and calculations relating to the cost and distribution of various gold and silver medals

MINT00756: Account for distribution of medals 16 to 23 July 1713

MINT00083: Another clerical copy of MINT00082 (Mint 19/1/94)

MINT00084: Summarises the assay master's duties and defends the Mint's decision in favour of Charles Brattell over Catesby Oadham for the post

MINT00085: 'The state of the Mint in relation to the Queens Assay Master'

MINT00086: Further holograph draft on the examinations of Oadham and Brattell

MINT00087: Another holograph memorandum attacking Oadham as a projector

MINT00088: Variant holograph draft of MINT00087 (Mint 19/1/98-9)

MINT00089: Fragmentary holograph draft of MINT00087 (Mint 19/1/98-9), with fragmentary notes on mathematics, metaphysics and Egyptian history

MINT00126: Holograph notes of distribution figures as stated in MINT00125 (Mint 19/3/321-2)

MINT00127: Further holograph draft of MINT00125 (Mint 19/3/321-2) with variant distribution figures

MINT00128: Another holograph draft of MINT00127 (Mint 19/3/328)

MINT00980: "Report of the officers of the Mint on a petition of Mr Oadham"

MINT01738: Letter from Newton to John Grigsby concerning a South Sea stock dividend

MINT00125: 'An Account of the Medals of fine gold made upon the Peace 1713': holograph statement of expenses for 812 medals, with figures for their distribution 16 July to 8 August 1713

MINT00130: 'Coppy of the Paper delivered to Mr Auditor ffoley relating to the Accompts of the Mint with respect to the £3500.- per annum allowed by Parliament'

MINT00131: Memorandum by Newton specifying the uses to which the money allocated to the Mint by Parliament can be put, breaking it down into specific sums for specific purposes, and stating which Mint officers are responsible for allocating which funds