Letter from Lord Dorset to T. Neale

Diplomatic TextCatalogue Entry



<text in Unknown Hand begins>May. 3: 1695


I desire you will please to give Order to the mongers in the Mint to worke off such a number of Ticketts for the vse of His Majesties Comeedians in Lincolns Inne Fields, as Mr Betterton shall desire from you, as his owne charge, And Ishall take it as a curtesy done vnto

<text in Charles Sackville Earl of Dorset’s hand begins>Your humble servant


<text in Thomas Neale’s hand begins>Mr Controller

You see my Lord Dorsett, After pray without further Scruple lett itt bee immadiately complyed with, I am

your Frend &
Tho Neale

Mr Neale.
Mr P{illeg}erton.

May 3d


Not in RB