Bill Book (1723-9)

Diplomatic TextCatalogue Entry

To whom, And for what Paid Sum paid
£ s d
To Will: King for Charcole Delivered in December & Ianuary 1722 18 8 0
To Ditto for Ditto Delivered in December & Ianuary 1723 18 8 0
To Mr Kemp for providing Lamps between 25 December & 25 March 1723 8 0 0
To Ditto . . for Ditto . . . between 29 Sept. & 25 December 1723 8 0 0
To John Baker Talor for the two Watermens liverys 25 May 1723 4 6 6
To Mr Nicholas for blew Cloth &ca: 7 Iune 1723 4 18 4
To John Walford for providing the Mint with Water between 25 December 1722 & 25 December 1723 – 4 Bills 20 0 0
To Mr Morgan for One Yeares Rent for the Porters House in the Mint between 25 December 1722 & 25 December 1723. 4 bills 14 0 0
To Hannah Lowe for making Fires & Cleaning the Office between 25 December 1722 & 25 December 1723 – 4 bills 10 0 0
To Thomas Burden Paving work between 13 August 1722 & 27 Sept: 1723 5 4 0
To Cha: Rawson Stationer between 4 Ian: 1722 & 23 December 1723// 10 11 7
To Francis Child for the Kings Moiety of the Dyners between the 3 April 1723 & the 18 December 1723 24 1 6
To Mr John Cartlitch for Copper for Allay Delivered between 25 December 1722 & 25 December 1723 43 13 9
To Ditto for Refining Gold – between . . Ditto . . & Ditto 4 9 0
To Ditto for Warter Silver & Aquæ Fortis Delivered between Ditto & Ditto 38 8 11
To William King for Charcole Delivered for Assay Office between Ditto & Ditto 91 0 0
Loss by Assayes of the Pix between 25 December 1722 & 25 December 1723 1 7 0
To Tho: Stern for providing the Assay Office with Necessary between Ditto & Ditto 16 15 0
To Samuel Manlove for a furnance &ca for Assay Office 16 November 1723 15 19 4
By Exchequer & Treasury fees for money received for Service of the Mint 327 0 0
Between the 1.. Ianuary & 31 December 1723
By Fees in passing the Account of the Mint for the year 1722 22 11 6
To whom, And for what Paid Sum paid
£ s d
To Tho: Churchill Bricklayer for work perform'd between 1 Ian: 1721 & 31 December 1722 142 17 0
To Richard Driver Carpenter for Ditto . . . . between Ditto & Ditto 85 6 6
To Hezekia Walker Plumber for Ditto . . between 1 feb 1721 & 20 ditto 32 5 234
To Will: Cooper Painter – for Ditto . . between 4 Iuly 1722 & Ditto 17 16 3
To Rubin Fletcher, Smith, for Ditto . . . between 1 Ianuary 1721 & Ditto 18 18 9
To John Ryall's, Mason, for Ditto . . . between 10 feb: 1721 & Ditto 37 03 03
To Sarah Loyd for Glaziers Worke performd between ditto . . & 30 Sep. 1722 13 16 0612
To Robert Green, Plaisterer, for Work performd between ditto & 31 December 1722 9 5 6
To Mr Morgan for one years rent for the Porters House in the Mint due the 25 December 1722 14 0 0
To John Walford for providing the Mint with Water between 25 December 1721 & 25 December 1722 – 4 Bills 20 0 0
To Elizabeth Ashly for making Fires & Cleaning the Office between 25 December 1721 & 25 December 1722 4 Bills 10 0 0
To Mr Kemp for providing Lamps between 29 September 1721 & 25 March 1722 16 0 0
To John Baker Making the watermens liveries 30 may 1722 2 17 6
To John Snart for Cleaning & mending the Scales between 16 April & 31 december 1722 2 17 0
To Tho: Taylor Scavenger between 25 December 1721 & 25 December 1722 14 2 0
To Cha: Rawson Stationer between 1 Ian: 1721 & 31 Ditto 7 1 0
For Francis Child for the Warden Moiety of the dinners Between 1 Ianuary 1721 & 31 December 1722 13 12 8
To Francis Child Purveyor for his disbursment between 1 Ian. 1721 & 31 december 1722 4 10 6
1723 To Whom, & for what Paid Sum Paid
£ s d
To Henry Owen Scalemaker for work perform'd between 1 Mar: 1722 & 18 November 1723 9 0 0
To Rubin Fletcher Smith for Ditto . . . 1 Ian: 1722 & 24 december 1723 51 0 0
To Sarah Loyd for Glaziers work Ditto . . 1. Ian: 1722 & 17 Ditto 21 10 0
To Thomas Churchill Bricklayer – for Ditto . . 1 April 1723 & 29 Ian: 1723 35 13 9
To William Cooper Painter – for Ditto . . . . 21 December 1722 & 31 december 1723 29 3 0
To Robert Green Plaisterer for Ditto . . . 30 ditto 1722 & 17 ditto 8 18 9
To John Ryalls Mason – for Ditto . . . 30 ditto . . & 30 ditto 18 15 4
To Thomas Taylor Scavenger for ditto . . . 1 Jan 1722 & 31 ditto 7 4 0
To Francis Child for Several petty disbursments between Ditto & Ditto 3 12 6
To Richard Driver Carpenter for work perform'd between Ditto & 30 Ditto 126 0 0
1724 To Whom, & for what Paid Sum Paid
£ s d
To John Walford for providing the Mint with water for Lady Quart 1724 5 0 0
To Mr Tho Kemp for looking after the Lamps for Ditto 8 0 0
To Hannah Lowe for Cleaning the Office &ca for Ditto 2 10 0
To Mr Morgan for a Quart. rent for the Porters House ending Ditto 3 10 0
To Hezekiah Walker Plumber for Worke perform'd between 1 Ianuary 1722 And 31 December 1723 – 4£:1s:8d – paid Him by a parcell of old lead – 3£:5s:334d 0 16 414
To Mr Nichols Woolin Draper for Cloth for Waterman Livery Act. 4 18 4
To John Baker Taylor for Watermens Cloths 1 Iuly 1724 2 17 6
To Hannah Low for Cleaning Office &ca. to 24 Iune 1724 2 10 0
To John Walford Waterman due 24 Iune 1724 5 0 0
To Richard Morgan for Porter House rent ending 24 Iune 1724 3 10 0
To Ditto . . . . for Ditto . . . ending 29 Sept 1724 3 10 0
To Hannah Low for Cleaning the Office &ca to 29 Sept 1724 2 10 0
To John Walford Waterman due the 29 Sept: 1724 5 0 0
To Richard Morgan for a Quarters Rent for the Porters House Ending 25 December 1724 3 10 0
To Hannah Low for a Quarter Sallary for Cleaning the Office ending Ditto 2 10 0
To John Walford for providing the Mint with Water for Christmas quart. 1724 5 0 0
To Francis Child for Office Dynners between 1 Ianuary 1723 & 31 December 1724 20 3 6
To Ditto for Petty Disburstments between Do . . 25 Ditto 4 1 2
To Thomas Taylor Scavenger between 1 Ianuary 1723 & 31 – Ditto 8 17 0
To Mr Tho. Kemp for looking after the lamps 29 September to 25 Ditto 11 14 6
To Tho: Stern for Necessary for Assay Office between 25 December 1723 & Ditto 10 4 6
To Cha: Rawson for Stationery Ware Delivered between 8 Ianuary 1723 & 28 December 1724 11 13 10
For Charcole Delivered to 31 Ianuary 1724 Tee Cole money 18 8 0
To Henry Owen Scalemaker for Cleaning Scales &ca to 30 December 1724 7 8 9{illeg}
To Mr Cartlitch for Aqua fortis Delivered Christmas 1723 to Christmas 1724 17 3 11
To Ditto for Copper for Allay – Delivered between Ditto . . & Ditto 10 19 3
1724 To Whom & for What Paid Sum Paid
£ s d
To William King for Charcole Delivered between 18 May & 21 December 1724 91 0 0
Fees & Charges at the Tryal of the Pix 3 August 1724 26 5 0
Fee's & Charges in Passing the Wardens & Master Account to Christmas 1723 22 11 6
Loss Sustaind by the Assay of Gold & Silver at the Tryal Pix 1 13 6
Fees: & Charges for several Sums money Issued out of the Treasury for Defraying the Charges of the Mint to the 31 December 1724 267 15 10
To Richard Diwer for Carpent. Woorke between 30 December 1723 & 30 Ditto 1724 255 12 8
To Tho Churchill for Bricklayers worke between Ditto – – & Ditto 193 2 934
To William Cooper for Painters Worke – – – – Ditto – – Ditto 35 6 3
To John Ryalls for Masons Worke – Ditto . . Ditto 16 16 4
To Rob Green Plaisterer – – – – between Ditto . . Ditto 25 9 3
To Sarah Loyd for Glazing Worke – – – – Ditto – – Ditto 35 1 4
To Hezekia Walker for Plumbers work Ditto old lead Sold 60:15:6 Ditto 114 3 2
To Rubin Fletcher for Smiths worke – Ditto – . Ditto 41 19 4
more To William Cooper for Painting performd at Kings Clerks House to 30 december 12 0 0
1725 To Whom & for What Paid Sum paid
£ s d
To Rob: Low Porter of the Mint for House rent of one Qart. end 25 Mar 1725 3 10 0
To Hannah Low for Cleaning the Office &c' to 25 march 1725 2 10 0
To Tho Gray for Supplying the Office with water to Ditto 5 0 0
To Mr Kemp for taking care of the Lamps to 25 Ditto 8 0 0
To Thomas Nichols for Cloth for Watermans Coates 10 May 1725 4 18 4
To John Baker Taylor for making – Ditto . . . 30 Ditto 2 17 6
To Hannah Lowe for 12 Sallary ending 24 Iune 1725 2 10 0
To Rob Lowe for 14 howse Rænt – ending – Ditto 3 10 0
To Thomas Gray for Supplying the Office with water to 24 Ditto 5 0 0
To Tho: Gray for Ditto . . . . . . . to 29 Sept: 5 0 0
To Robert Lowe Porter for house Rent for one Quart: ending 29 September 3 10 0
To Hannah Lowe for Cleaning the Office &c' to 29 Sept: 2 10 0
To Ditto for Ditto . . . . . . . to 25 December 1725 2 10 0
To Robert Low Porter for one Quarter House rent to 25 December 1725 3 10 0
To Thomas Gray for Supplying the Office with Water to Ditto 5 0 0
To Mr Kemp for taking care of the Lamps to Ditto 8 0 0
To William Cooper for Painters work to 16 December 1725 26 5 0
To Rubin Fletcher for Smiths Work to 20 Ditto 26 16 1
To Cha: Rawson for Stationary ware Delivered between 4 Ianuary & 31 December 1725 4 07 10
To Henry Oven for Cleaning the Scales &ca to Ditto 3 01 06
To Francis Child Purveyor for his Disburstment for brooms &ca: to Ditto 3 07 0
To Ditto for Dyet of the Officers to the 31 December 1725 16 05 01
Tho Thomas Taylor Scavenger for Carring rubish &ca. to Ditto 12 0 0
1725 To whom & for what Paid Sum paid
£ s d
By Exchequer & Treasury Fees for mony Received for Service of the Mint Between the 1 Ianuary 1724 & 31 December 1725 273 13 0
To William King for Charcoal Delivered between Christmas 1724 & Christmas 1725 84 18 0
To Samuel Manlove Brazier for work perform'd in 1725 19 18 4
To Mr Wittaker for Disburstments for Assay Office to 21 December 1725 18 10 0
To Richard Driver for Carpent. worke between 30 December 1724 & 30 Ditto 1725 100 0 0
To Robert Green for Plaisters worke between Ditto – & Ditto 22 5 0
To John Royals for Masons worke – Ditto . . . . & Ditto 13 10 0
To Tho: Churchill – for Bricklayers worke Ditto & Ditto 26 16 0
To Benj. Loyd for Glaziers worke . . Ditto . & Ditto 20 0 0
To Mr John Cartlitch for Refining Gold Vouchr for Wardens Account – Ditto . . . Ditto 11 16 3
To Ditto for Aqua Fortis &ca Delivered to the Assay Office Ditto Ditto 14 16 7
To Ditto for fine Copper for Allay delivered between – Ditto & Ditto 12 0 5
To Charges of Declaring the Wardens & Masters & Accounts Ditto & Ditto 26 16 6
To loss Sustain'd by the Gold & Silver Assays bet: – Ditto & Ditto 0 9 4
To Hezekiah Walker for Plumbers worke perform'd between 5 December 1724 & 21 December 1725 11 0 0
To William Kingmore for Charcole Delivered for months of December & Ian: 17256 18 8 0
1726 To whom & for what paid Sum paid
£ s d
To Rob: Lowe Porter for 14 rent for the house he dwells in 25 Mar 1726 3 10 0
To Hannah Lowe for Cleaning the Office &ca one Quart: ending Ditto 2 10 0
To Tho. Kemp for looking after the Lamps &ca one Quarter ending ditto 8 0 0
To Tho: Gray for Supplying Mint with Water Ditto ending 25 March ditto 5 0 0
To Ditto . . . . for Ditto . . . . . . ending 24 Iune 5 0 0
To Robert Low Porter for 14 rent for the house he lives In ending ditto 3 10 0
To Hannah Low for Cleaning Office &ca one Quarter ditto 2 10 0
To Tho: Burden for Paveing work performd between 10 Mar 1724 & 2 Iuly 1726 1 18 0
To John Barker Taylor for Making Watermens Liverys & 2 Capps 4 1 6
To Tho: Nicholas for Cloth &ca for Watermans Liveries 4 18 4
To Robert Sparke for an Iron Chest to keep the Ingotts in 81 1 6
To Robert Low Porter for 14 rent for the house he lives in ending 29 Sept: 3 10 0
To Hannah Low for cleaning the Office one Quarter ending Ditto 2 10 0
To Thomas Gray for Supplying Mint with Water Ditto . . . . . . Ditto 5 0 6
To Thomas Money for Upholsters Worke & materialls per bill 23 August 32 13 9
To Ruben Fletcher for one quarter house rent ending michaelmas 1726 2 10 0
To James Whittaker for Ditto . . . . . . Ditto 2 10 0
To Henry Oven for Cleaning Scales &ca to 25 December 1726 19 13 6
To Hannah Low for Cleaning Office one Quart: ending 25 December 1726 2 10 0
To Thomas Gray for Supplying Mint with Water one Quart ending Ditto 5 00 00
To Rubin Fletcher for house Rent one Quart ending Ditto 2 10 0
To Robert Low for Ditto . . Ditto . . . Ditto 3 10 0
To James Whitaker for Ditto . . . Ditto . . . Ditto 2 10 0
To Tho: Taylor Scavenger for Carrying rubish &ca one year ending ditto 12 6 0
To Cha. Rawson for Stationary ware deliverd in 1726 17 17 6
1726 To whom & for What Paid Sum
£ s d
To Mr Kemp for providing Oyle &ca for Lamps {illeg} ending 25 December 8 0 0
To the Purveyor for providing Broom &ca bet 25 December 1725 & 25 December 1726 4 10 6
To Fees &ca for the Monies Issued out of the Exchequer a Ian 1726 450 04 101a
To Fees &ca in Passing the Wardens & Masters Accounts 1726 36 15 0
To James Whittaker for Disburstments for Assay Office 1726 22 1 6
To Loss Sustaind in Gold & Silver Assays in 1726 2 14 6
To Will. King for Charcole Delivered bet: 20 April 1726 & 14 December 1726 117 00 00
To Mr Child for providing the Office Dynner in 1726 57 15 5
To William King for 184 sack Charcole for months of December & Ianuary 17267 18 8 0
To William Cartlitch for refining {illeg} Ingotts Gold in 1726 40 16 8
To Ditto for fine Copper . . . . Delivered in 1726 13 01 00
To Ditto for Aqua fortis & Water Silver Delivered in 1726 14 14 0.
To Ditto for Ditto . . . . . . more Delivered in 1726 17 15 10
To Ditto for Copper . . . . more Delivered in 1726 12 13 0
To Richard Driver for Carpent. worke perform'd between 31 December 1725 & 31 December 1726 172 0 0
To Benj. Loyd for Glaziers worke performd. Ditto – – Ditto 33 0 0
To Rubin Fletcher for Smiths worke – Ditto – – – Ditto 78 8 0
To Tho: Churchill for Bricklayers work Ditto . . . Ditto 56 0 1014
To Hezekia Walker for Plumbers worke – Ditto . . . Ditto 29 1 534
To John Royalls for Masons worke Ditto – – – Ditto 25 01 91
To Tho: Berden for paviors worke Ditto . . . Ditto 1 2 6
To Rob. Green for plaisters worke – Ditto . . Ditto 16 0 0
To William Cooper for Painters worke Ditto . . . ditto 14 0 0
To Tho. Browne for paviors work Ditto . . . ditto 9 13 2
1727 To whom & for what Paid Sum
£ s d
To William King for Charcole Delivered between 25 Mar: 1727 & 12 December 1727 91 0 0
To Gabriel Robe for making Several Draughts for the Coyne & chasing 2 medals 5 15 6
To Hannah Lowe for looking after Office between 25 December 1726 & 25 December 1727 10 0 0
To Rob: Low for house rent between 25 December 1726 & 25 December 1727 14 0 0
To Thomas Gray for Supplying Mint with Water between Ditto & Ditto 20 0 0
To James Whitaker for house rent between – Ditto & Ditto 10 0 0
To Rubin Fletcher for Ditto . . between Ditto & Ditto 10 0 0
To Mr Vander Eschs for three quart: house rent ending Ditto 12 0 0
To Cha. Smyth for three quarter house rent ending – Ditto 12 0 0
To Richard Morgan for three quarter rent. ending . Ditto 9 0 0
To Mr Child for taking care of the Lamps in Lady Quart. 1727 8 0 0
To Ditto . . for Ditto . . . . in Christ: Quart. 1727 8 0 0
To Ditto – for providing Office Dinners in 1727 23 7 6
To Ditto for providing the Office with Candles Brooms &ca: in 1727 3 17 6
To John Townsend for making 6 Winscot Boxes to keep puncheons 9 9 0
To Henry Oven for Cleaning the Scales in 1727 5 3 0
To Tho: Taylor Scavinger for his worke in 1727 37 11 6
To Cha: Rawson for Stationary Delivered in 1727 16 6 0
To Mr Cartlitch for Copper Delivered for Allay in 1727 14 12 2
To Ditto for Aqua fortis & Silver Water Delivered in 1727 29 13 11
To James Whittaker for Disburstment by him in 1727 37 8 212
To Mr Croker for Coronation Medalls 1741 3 1
To Thomas Nichols for Black Clo. Delivered for Watermans Liveries 4 19 7
To John Barker, Taylor for making – Ditto 3 5 0
To Rubin Fletcher for Smiths Worke in Assay Office in 1727 3 6 4
1727 To whom & for what Paid Sum
£ s d
To Tho: Nichols for Black Clo: for Watermans Liveries 4 18 4
To John Barker Taylor for making Ditto 2 17 6
To Rubin Fletcher for Smiths worke performed in 1727 18 6 4
To Tho: Brown for Paviors worke performed in 1727 3 15 6
To John Allingham for Surveying the workes of Mint in 1727 21 0 0
To John Royals Stone Cutters worke performd in 1727 3 10 3
To William Cooper for Painters worke performd in 1727 28 12 9
To Churchill & Pratt for Bricklayers worke performd 1727 66 10 7
To Rob: Green for Plaisterers Worke performd in 1727 9 2 10
To Hezekiah Walker for Plumbers worke performd in 1727 28 12 10
To Richard Driver for Carpenter worke performd in 1727 106 1 5
To Benj: Loyd for Glaziers worke performd in 1727 13 13 8
To John Royals more for mason worke performd in 1727 18 5 3
To Churchill & Prat more for Bricklayers worke performed 1727 210 15 71
To William Cooper more for Painters work performd in 1727 21 16 10
To John Royals more for masons worke performd in 1727 63 11 6
To Rubin Fletcher more for Smiths worke performd in 1727 45 6 0
To William King for fee Cole Delivered in the months of December & Ian: 17278 18 8 0
To Richard Driver more for Carpt. worke performd in 1727 310 17 2
To fees in Passing the Wardens & MAsters Account in 1727 26 15 0
To fees for Mony Issued out of the Excheq: for Service of Mint 1727 465 0 0
To Fees & charges Paid to several Persons at the Tryal of the Pix in 1727 28 17 6
To Benj Loyd more for Glaziers worke performd in 1727 27 19 3
1728 To whom & for what Paid Sum
£ s d
To Robert Low for one yeares house rent ending 25 December 1728 14 0 0
To Hannah Low for looking after the Office one year ending Ditto 10 0 0
To Rich. Morgan for one yeares house rent. ending Ditto 12 0 0
To James Whittaker for one years house rent ending Ditto 10 00 0
To Cha Smyth for one years house rent ending Ditto 16 0 0
To Henry Vander: Esch for one years house rent ending Ditto 16 0 0
To Reubin Fletcher for one Yeares house rent ending Ditto 10 0 0
To Tho: Gray for Supplying Mint with water one year end 25 Ditto 20 0 0
To Francis Child for Supplying Lamps for halfe a year ending 25 December 16 0 0
To William King for 184 Sack charcole for the months of November & December 1728 18 0 0
To Mr William Cartlitch for Copper for Allay Delivered in 1728 5 11 11
To Ditto – for Aqua fortis and Water Silver Delivered in 1728 16 17 5
To James Whittaker for mony laid out for nealing potts &ca: 1728 17 14 6
To William King for Charcole Delivered for the vse of mint in 1728 71 10 0
To John Iackson for paper Delivered in 1728 Showing prices of Gold & Silver 6 8 0
By loss Sustaind in Assayes of Gold & Silver in 1728 1 1 0
To Grace Owen for Adjusting Scales &ca: in 1728 5 1 6
To Tho. Nicholas for Cloth for Watermans Liveries in 1728 4 18 4
To John Baker for making Ditto 2 17 6
To John Townsend for making Ba{illeg}es for Dyes &ca 1728 9 9 0
To Mary Price for two Watermens Capps 1 5 0
To Tho: Taylor Scavenger for Carrying 804 Loads of Soyle 60 6 0
To Cha. Rawson for Stationary ware Delivered in 1728 22 10 0
To Richard Driver for Carpenter Worke performd in 1728 37 3 0
1728 To whom & for what Paid Sum
£ s d
To Churchill & Pratt for Bricklayers worke in 1728 24 17 10
To Rubin Fletcher for Smiths worke performd in 1728 23 2 0
To William Cooper for Painters worke performd in 1728 12 10 0
To John Ryalls Mason . . Ditto – . – . . 1728 4 6 7
To Robert Green for Plaisters worke . . . 1728 3 7 10
To Benj: Loyd for Glaziers worke . . . 1728 14 10 0
To Tho. Browne for paviors worke – – – 1728 5 9 0
To Francis Child for providing Dinners – – – 1728 14 17 6
To Roger Morris for Surveying the Workes 1728 21 0 0
To Hezekia Walker Plumber for worke performd in 1728 54 14 0
To Mr Child for Brooms &ca Supplyd the Mint in 1728 5 4 0
To fees paid at the Treasury and other Charges &ca in 1728 429 1 5
To Mr Pinckney Bille of Prosecutions in 1728 398 0 0
1729 To whom & for what paid Sum
£ s d
To John Gray for Supplying the Mint with water one Quart. ending 25 Mar 1729 5 0 0
To John Littlewood for Ditto . . . for 34 year ending 25 December 1729 15 0 0
To Francis Child for Supplying the Lamps for halfe a year ending 25 Dec: 1729 16 0 0
To Henry VanderEsch Esqr. for one year house rent ending 25 December 1729 16 0 0
To Cha: Smyth for one years house rent ending Ditto 16 0 0
To Richard Morgan . Ditto . . . . . . Ditto 16 0 0
To James Whitaker – Ditto . . . . . Ditto 10 00 0
To Robert Low – – – Ditto . . . . . Ditto 14 0 0
To Hannah Low for Cleaning the Office one year ending Ditto 10 0 0
To Rubin Fletcher for one year house rent. ending Ditto 10 00 00
To Prat &ca for Bricklayers performd in 1729 Allowd 305 07 6
To Richard Driver for Carpent: worke performd in 1729 Allowd 302 12 0
To William Stanting for mason Worke perform'd Ditto – – Ditto 41 10 0
To Richard Driver more Exclusive of New Mill Rooms Ditto – – Ditto 214 00 0
To John Ryalls for masons worke performd 2 may 1729 exclusive mil room ditto 17 15 0
To Edward Davenport for mason worke Ditto – in 1729 . . Ditto – Ditto 78 5 0
To William Cooper for painters Worke – Ditto – . . . 1729 Exclusive of Ditto 58 12 0
To Mr Walker for Plumbers worke ditto . . 1729 – Ditto – Ditto 104 10 0
To Rob': Green for plaisters worke ditto – – 1729 – Exclus'. Ditto 48 18 0
To Rubin Fletcher for Smiths worke ditto . . 1729 Exclusive Ditto 133 15 0
To Fra: Child for providing Office Dinners in 1729 5 15 3
To Ditto . . . for Brooms &ca Supplyed the Mint in 1729 6 14 11
To William King for Charcoale Delivered into the Mint in 1729 65 0 0
To Mr William Cartlitch for Copper for Allay Delivered in 1729 5 18 2
To Ditto – for Aqua fortis & Water Silver Delivered in 1729 16 5 2
1729 To whom & for what paid Sum
£ s d
To Tho: Nichools for Cloth for Watermans Liveries delivered 1729 4 18 0
To John Baker, Taylor for making Ditto 2 17 6
To Cha: Rawson for Stationary ware Delivered in 1729 21 11 6
To Thomas Browne for paveing work performd in 1729 10 15 0
To William Kings Fee Coal Bill 1729 18 8 0
To Roger Morrice for Surveying the Repairs in 1729 21 0 0
To Percival Scot for several particulars Delivered for Assay Office 9 5 0
To Mr Pinkneys bill for carrying on the prosecutions between the 25 December 1728 & 25 December 1729 559 7 2
To the Fees & Charges at the Exchequer & Treasury in passing the Several Account of the Mint for the year 1728 518 15 0
To Benjamin Loyd for Glazing work performd in 1729 34 10 0
To Tho: Overing Scalemaker for Ditto – – in 1729 20 19 6
To By Disburstment for Assay Office in 1729 20 4 0