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Printed ready-reckoner, compiled by George Brown, of the value in sterling silver of varying finenesses of bullion (for the use of merchants supplying bullion to the Mint) (Edinburgh, 1687)

Diplomatic TextCatalogue Entry


1 Table

To the most Honourable Robert Earle of Oxford and Mortimer Lord High Treasurer of Great Britain.

2 Table

Showing the True value per Graine drop ounce pound or Stone weight of Gold bullion of any fineness at 48 pounds Scots per Ounce Carat fine

Shewing what weight of Gold standard fine, One is to have per Graine, drop, Ounce, Pond, or Stone weight of Gold of any fineness: In which to prevent the trouble of different Denominations, every Graine is divided into 624 parts.

This Table Calculated for the Mint-house of Scotland (before the Union) is humbly Dedicated by Author George Brown Presbyter.

£ Scots

Grain Weight
£ Scots

Drop Weight
£ Scots
Ounce Weight
£ Scot
pound weight
£ Scots
Stone weight

Directions and Instructions Shewing by Examples how to use the Tables

per Drop
Weight per
Weight per
Weight per
At 48£ Scots per Ounce 22 Carat fine what will 45 pound weight of 17 Carat and 9 Graines fineness come to? gr:pts dr:gr:pts: dr:gr:pts libdr:gr:pts St:libdr:gr:pts
Grains fine 1 00031565 01136363 181818 2909090 46545454 In the first Table under per pound weight and against 17 Carat fine Grains Fine 1 1 36 240 34240 1518144
2 00063131 02272727 363636 5818181 93090909 you find in the common Area 5934549 2 2 72 496 133216 115124
3 00094696 03409090 545454 8727272 139636363 Item in the same Columne against 9 Graines fine you have 261818 3 3 108 6144 232192 21419168
4 00126262 04545454 727272 11636363 186181818 The sum of both which is the price of one pound weight of that 6196363 4 4 144 8192 331168 314248
5 00157828 05681818 909090 14545454 232727272 fineness viz 619 pounds 12 shillings 8 pence Scots and a very small fraction: 45 5 5 180 10240 430144 41320192
6 00189393 06818181 1090909 17454545 279272727 And this multiplied by 45 yields 27883 pounds 12 shillings 8 pence Scots with 30981818 6 6 216 1324 529120 513372
7 00220959 07954545 1272727 20363636 325818181 the same inconsiderable fraction of a Scots penny as before 247854545 7 7 252 1572 62896 61221216
8 00252525 09090909 1454545 23272727 372363636 In the 2 Table under the title weight per pound {illeg} against { ℥:dr:gr:pts 8 8 124 17120 72772 712496
9 00284090 10227272 1636363 26181818 418909090 17 Carats fine you have: And in the same table under the same 12:5:29:120 9 9 160 19168 82648 81122240
10 00315656 11363636 1818181 29090909 465454545 title against 9 Graines fine you have 00:8:26:048 10 10 196 21216 92524 9115120
The sum of which is the weight due of Standard fine for 12:14:19:168
11 00347222 12499999 2000000 32000000 512000000 one pound weight of 17 Carats 9 Graines fine StlibDrGrPts 11 11 1132 24 1024 101024
Carat fyne per ounce 1 00378787 13636363 2181818 34909090 558545454 Now 168 parts multiplied by 45 and reduced yields 000000028168 Carat fyne per ounce 1 12 1168 2648 1122240 11106144
2 00757575 27272727 4363636 69818181 1117090909 And 45 × 10 Graines yields 000002327000 2 24 372 11696 179216 1741324
3 01136363 40909090 6545454 104727272 1675636363 And 45 × 14 Drops yields 001070600000 3 36 4240 26144 2232192 221419168
Lastly 45 × 12 Ounces 202120000000
4 01515151 54545454 8727272 139636363 2234181818 The sum of all which viz 2 stone 4 pounds 4 ounces 14 drops 204041419168 4 48 6144 232192 21419168 21482648
5 01893939 68181818 10909090 174545454 2792727272 19 graines 160 parts is the true weight of Standard fine due for 45 pounds of 17 5 60 848 322240 3106144 310232192
6 02272727 81818181 13090909 209454545 3351272727 Carat 9 graines fine: But to prevent the great trouble of so Laborious 6 72 9216 41324 4529120 4513372
7 02651515 95454545 15272727 244363636 3909818181 a work especially when the Mass consists of many different species of weight 7 84 11120 5372 511696 5179216
I have contrived a third Table by which haveing once the value of the whole
8 03030303 109090909 17454545 279272727 4468363636 Mass you may find both the Standard weight and Number of pieces with 8 96 1324 529120 513372 51311696
9 03409090 122727272 19636363 314181818 5026909090 the allowance of ten per Cent to the Merchant of Imployer 9 108 14192 619168 682648 681122240
10 03787878 136363636 21818181 349090909 5585454545 Weight 10 120 1696 79216 7413240 74529120
11 04166666 150000000 24000000 384000000 6144000000 Value of the Mass Number
of pieces
Stlibdrgr25pt 11 132 18 8 8 8
12 04545454 163636363 26181818 418909090 6702545454 The foresaid Mass comes to 278836363 12 144 19168 82648 81122240 811106144
The next to which in the third Table
13 04924242 177272727 28363636 453818181 7261090909 is under £: Scots 216000000 2000 1122 13 156 2172 91696 979216 9741324
14 05303030 190909090 30545454 488727272 7819636363 The Remainder is 62836363 14 168 23240 106144 10232192 1021419168
15 05681818 204545454 32727272 523636363 8378181818 The next to which is 5400000 500 0070008 15 180 24144 1032192 101419168 101482648
16 06060606 218181818 34909090 558545454 8936727272 The Remainder is 8836363 16 192 2648 1122240 11106144 1110232192
The next to which is 7560000 70 1512
17 06439393 231818181 37090909 593454545 9495272727 The Remainder is 1276363 17 204 28216 121324 12529120 12513372
18 06818181 2454545 39272727 628363636 10853818181 The next to which is 1080000 10 24 18 216 29120 13372 1311696 13179216
19 07296969 259090909 41454545 663272727 10612363636 The Remainder is 196363 19 228 3124 1329120 1313372 131311696
20 07575757 272727272 43636363 698181818 11170909090 The next to which is 108000 1 3213 20 240 32192 1419168 1482648 1481122240
The Remainder is 88363
21 07954545 286363636 45818181 733090909 11729454545 The next to which 12 Viz. 54000 012 1284 21 252 3496 159216 1541324 154529120
22 08333333 300000000 48000000 768000000 12288000000 The Remainder is 34363 22 1 1 1 1 1
23 08712121 313636363 50181818 802909090 12846545454 The next to which is 14 viz 27000 014 322 23 112 11168 12648 11122240 111106144
24 09090909 327272727 52363636 837818181 13405090909 The Remainder and Sum is 7363 258134 2404141045 24 124 1372 111696 1179216 11741324

3 A TABLE for Gold
Which supposing

Proof by the 4th Table thus


4 TABLE for Gold
Showing the true Value of any Number of Graines Drops, Ounces, Pounds, or Stones, of Standard fineness.

2 Stone is 24576
4 pounds is worth 3072
4 ounces is worth 192
14 drops is worth 30 + 12. 15 42
10 grains is worth 08333
N £ Scots Unites Tens Hundreds Thousands X Thou: C Thou: 45 grains is worth 0666 N Grains Dr lib Stones
And the Ballance is 7363
dr:gr:5th pts libdr libdr Stslib: Sts:lib Stslib The sum is 278836363 1 8333 3000 4800 76800 1228800
Scottish pieces of Gold 1 1080000 3213 24 168 141 81210 87144 So that as you see 2581 and 34 of a piece of coyned Gold Standard fine will weigh 2 Stones 4 pounds 4 Ounces 14 Drops 10 grains and 45 graines which with a Ballance of 7363 of fourteen Shillings and little more than eight pennies Scots does exactly exhaust the value of the Bullion proposed and the Owners allowance lyes in setting off at 20: Shillings Sterline or 12 £ Scots per piece what is truly and of instrinsick value onely worth 10£ 16 Shillings Scots or 18 Shillings Sterline. 2 16666 6000 9600 153600 2457600
2 2160000 771 48 213 1122 1794 175128 3 25000 9000 14400 230400 3686400
3 3240000 10284 612 438 2103 266514 2631012 4 33333 12000 19200 307200 4915200
4 4320000 14142 9 510 384 3528 3519 5 41666 15000 24000 384000 6144000
5 5400000 12 114 78 465 43152 43974 Here observe that 21600 taking in three of the Decimals I add three Cyphers to 2 the Index of it so have I 2000 pieces whose weight is under the title of thousands viz 1 Stone 12 pounds 2 ounces and so you may Iudge of others 6 5000 18000 28800 460800 7372800
6 6480000 15213 138 87 546 521112 52758 7 58333 21000 33600 537600 8601600
7 7560000 1971 1512 9138 627 6186 615312 8 66666 24000 38400 614400 9830400
8 8640000 112284 12 114 78 705 7032 Also I have hereby mere oversight taken out the nearest to 883 at twice which might have been done at once to the same purpose viz 864£ pieces 80 Weight 1 pounds 2 Ounce 9 75000 27000 43200 591200 11059200
9 9720000 200142 144 12108 7149 79110 79104 £: Scots £: Scots £: Scots £: Scots £: Scots