'Coyns weighed and assayed': holograph notes on miscellaneous European coins, three sketches showing individual designs, and an addendum dated 20 June 1711 on Mexican coins

Diplomatic TextCatalogue Entry


Coyns weighed & assayed

A silver piece of Venice. The foreside like the Zakeens vizt Christ blessing the Duke. A Lyon rampant holding a Palm branch in one paw & a cross in the other with this inscription Fides & Victoria. Weight 17dwt. 9gr12. Worn 12gr. Worse 2oz 6dwt. onteins 13dwt. 13gr. 10m

Another silver piece vztt the Ducat. The foreside the same. The Reverse a winged Lyon passant holding a coat of Arms with this motto Ducatus Venetus. Weight 14dwt 1212 grains Worn 12 grain or 1gr Worse 1oz 3dwt. Another found it worse 1oz 4dwt.

A third piece of two Iules. The foreside the same. The Reverse Christ holding a globe with this inscription. Gloria tibi soli. Weight 3dwt 914gr. Worn 5 or 6gr. Better 6dwt. standard 3d. 16g. 12m.

A Sevil piece of eight. On the fireside a mixt coat of arms crowned with this inscription Carolus II D. G. & the figure 8 on the right hand side On the reverse a Lyon rampant & a castel quartered with the inscription Hispaniarum Rex 1697. The weight 17dwt 1034 grains. New coynd. Better 1dwt

Another of the same dated new coynd weighing 17dwt. 8gr.

A half pence of eight of the same coyn & form dated 1683 unworn. Dated 1683 Weight 8dwt 7gr Worse 7dwt

These three pieces & the next glittered like money new out of the Mint & were wholly unworne, & they were all edged like Portugal money.

Another unworn piece. On the foreside a Lyon rampant & Castell quartered in a scutcheon crowned with this inscription Carolus II D. G. Hispaniarum Rex & on the Reverse this figure ✜ & about it this inscription Virtute & Protectione 1700 Its a new Piece of 8 in proportion to the former as 4 to 5. The weight 14dwt 0gr14. Worse 2dwt.

Four Pillar pieces of 8 dated 1678 1693 1694 1698 weight 17dwt 1714gr 17dwt 14gr. 17dwt 18gr, 17dwt 1714gr They have on one side a Lyon rampant & Castel quartered, with the four arms of a great cross between them. On the other Hercules Pillars with Plus ultra. The figure of 8 between the Pillars & water flowing underneath. Assay Better 1dwt, Better 1dwt. standard Better 1dwt.

Three Mexico pieces of 8 not round but very irregularly shaped weighing 17dwt 20gr 17dwt 1912gr & 17dwt 8gr At a middle recconing 17dwt. 16 grains. Worse 1dwt, 212dwt. 3dwt.

A new Dutch piece of 3 Guilders or 10s coyned in Zeland with an armed man & the arms of Zeland before one of his Leggs & this inscription Luctor et emergo on the foreside. And on the Reverse the arms of the seven Provinces in 7 Escutcheons & this inscription Mo. no. Arg. Ordin. Zelandiæ 1687. And among the Escutcheons 10 schellings that is tenn schellings. The weight 17dwt 9gr.

Two new Legg Dollar coyned 1701, weighing 18dwt − 1gr & 18dwt + 114gr. Worse 1412dwt

A new Ducaton of Holland coyned 1675. weighing 1oz. 1dwt.

A piece of 28 stvyers called a Gout Gulden or Floren d'or coyned 1684 weighing 12dwt 16gr & lightned 2 or 3gr by wearing. On one side a large spread Eagle with this inscription Leo. IGN. D. G. ELEG. ROM. IMP. SEM. AVG. On the other side a spread Eagle in an escutcheon crowned with this inscription. Mo. or. arg. civ. Daventriæ. 1684. And on both sides the Scutcheon 28 styvers that is 28 styvers. Worse 3oz 3dwt.

Two Testons of the Pope or piece of 3 Iules well coyned & unworn. On one side a coat of arms with a Phœnix in the crest. & the triple crown above it & this Inscription Innocen. XI. Pont. m. a. IX On the other side in streight lines, melius est dav quam accipere. The weight 5dwt. 21gr56. 5dwt. 2123gr. Assay worse 1dwt, standard.

A Crusado Croisat or Genoise of Genoa weighing 24 pennyweight 8gr lightned 3, 4 or 5 grains by wearing. On one side a great Cross & about it Dux et Gub. Reip. Genu. On the other side a man or woman on <39v> a loud with a child in his/her arms, & a scepter in the right hand & about it ET REDE EOS 1692. Better 7dwt

A Teston (or rather two Lires) of Genoa weighing 6dwt 1914gr, not worn above 14gr. Well conyed. On one side a saint standing & about him. Non surrexit major 1696. On the other wise Cross in a coat of arms supports with winged Dragons & about it Dux et Guber. Reipub Genu

An 8 mark piece of Swedeland not worn. The kings head on one side with this insciption Carolus XI D.G. Rex Sue. On the other side three crown in an Escutcheon crowned with 8 M at the sides of the Scutcheon & about it Dominus Protector mens 1692 & on the edge Manibus ne Cædar avaris. The weight 19dwt 2214 grains.

Another with the same cypher crowned & about it Pietate et Iustitia & on the Reverse a Lyon passant crowned & about it IIII Marck Danske 1697. Not worn The weight 14dwt 712gr. Worse 3oz 112dwt.

Another with the same Cypher crowned & no inscription & on the Reverse 3 Lyons passant in an escutcheon crowned & about it IIII Marck Danske 1694. Not worn. The weight 14dwt 10gr.

A coyn of the Duke of Brunswick & Lunenburg weighing 8dwt 10gr. worn 12 grain. On one side a mixt coat of arms crowned with 1700 on the sides & about it Georg. Lud. D. G. D. Br & Lun. S. R. I. Et. And on the other side a Horse running & above it In recto decus. & underneath FEIN 23 SILB. Better 17dwt.

A Peru Piece of 8 weighing 17dwt 23gr. Another 16dwt 2012gr. Another 17dwt 9gr Another 16dwt 7gr Another 16dwt 10gr Another 16dwt 11gr. A quarter piece 4dwt 1312gr. Worn 3 or 4 gains a piece Worse       4dwt 6dwt 2dwt 2dwt 212dwt

A new Peru piece of 8 rudely coyned weight 12d 17gr worn 2 or 3gr. A 12 new piece of 8 rudely coynd. weight 6dwt 2234gr worn a grain The stamp of these two pieces were like the Sevil pieces but very rude like pillar pieces & pieces of Peru. Worse 512. Worse 2dwt.

A Dutch Gout Gulden or piece of 28 Styvers. On one side a man holding a sword on his shoulder with 28 styvers on each side of his neck & this inscription Nisi Dominus nobiscum 1665. On the reverse two Lyons passant in an Escutcheon crownd & about them        enus Argent. Ordi. Frisiæ. The weight 10dwt 22 grains. Worn 2gr worse 2oz.

A Ducaton of Holland 1679 not worn above 12 grain. weight 20dwt 2112 grains Better, Another 1673 worse 1 or 2gr. Weight 20dwt 22gr. Better 212 pennyweight.

A double Ducaton of Flanders of he same form with the single ones coynd 1631 The inscription Phil IIII D.G. Hisp & Indiar. Rex 1631 &c Weight 2oz 1dwt 8gr. Worn 4 or 5 grains

A double Lewis of Lewis 13. On one side his head & this inscription Ludovicus XIII D. G Fran. et Navarræ Rex & underneath 1618. On the other side a flourishing Cross with 4 Flower de Luces at the ends of it & L in the center & round about, Sit nomen Domini benedictum. The weight 36dwt. 1gr. Worn 3 or 4 grains. Edged with this inscription Iustissimi Regis Perennitati.

A piece of Hen IV of France A flourishing cross on one side with the inscription Henricus IIII D.G. Franc et Navar. Rex. & on the Reverse 3 Flower de Luces with an escutcheon crowned & on either side II TI & about it Sit nomen Domini benedictum. Weight 6dwt 4gr. worn 2 or 3 grains.


A Cross Dollar with a flourishing Cross & about it Carol II D. G Hispan et Indiarum Rex. And on the reverse a coat of arms crowned with the inscription Archid. Aust. Dux Burg. C. Fland. 1694. Weight 18dwt 4gr Not worn glossy out of the Mint. Worse 11dwt.

A Sevil piece of 50 Reals or 614 pieces of 8 of the same form with single Sevil pieces of 8. weight 5 ounces 12dwt 3gr. Worn 8 or 10gr. The inscription Philip. IIII D. G. Hispaniarum Rex 1631. Hence pieces of 8 then weight 18dwt by law.

A Sevil 12 piece of 8. Weight 8dwt 3gr. worn a grain. Coyn 1684. Worse 5dwt

A quarter piece coyned 1682 Weight 4dwt 7gr Worn 13 grains. Better 012dwt.

Three-pieces (Ducats) of the present Duke of Tuscany. His head on one side with this inscription Cosmus III. D. G. Ma. Du. Etruriæ VI. On the other wise John baptizing Christ & about them Filius meus dilectus. All coyned in 1676 Their weight 20dwt 3gr, 20dwt 3gr, 20dwt 212gr. New coynd, glossy & not worn. Better 8dwt, 8dwt,      Contein 1oz. 1dwt. 0gr. 8m standard. Value 5s 5d16. Another 1676 Weight 20dwt. 0gr12 Better 9dwt.

Two other pieces (Ducats) of Ferdinand II Duke of Tuscany coynd 1635. Their weight 1oz 1dwt 1gr & 1oz 0dwt 21gr. Not worn but glossy out of the Mint. On one side the Dukes head inscribed Ferdinand. II magn. Dux Etruriæ. On the other John Baptist inscribed Ioannes Baptista. Better 712dwt. Better

Another piece (Piastre) of Ferdinand II coyned 1666 not worn but glossy out of the Mint On one side the Dukes head with a coronet & this inscription Ferdinandus II Mag. Dux Etr. V. On the other side the Haven of Leghorn with this inscription Patet et favet. The weight 17dwt 1114gr. Worse 1dwt. Another unworn of Cosmus III 1670. Weight 17dwt. 12gr standard.

Another piece (a Piastre) of Cosmus III coyned 1670 Not worn, glossy out of the Mint. On one side seven mullets in an Escutcheon crcowned, & about it Cosmus III mag. Dux Etruriæ VI 1670. On the other a Rose tree & about it Gratia obvia ultio quæsita. Liberni. The weight 16dwt 1712gr. Worse 1dwt. Standard 16dwt. 15g. 16m. Value 4s. 3d23. Another unworn 1670 Weight 16dwt 18gr. Worse 1dwt.

Note that the monies of the present Duke are lighter then those of his father by 4 per cent. And that the 3 first are to the last but one & the two next to the last as 6 to 5 that is the Ducats to the Piastres. the Ducats being 7 Lires just & the Piastres 6 Lires or 534 or rather 556 that is 5lires. 16s. 8d.

Two Rix dollars of Ferdinand Arch-Duke of Austria weighing 17dwt 22gr & 18dwt 612 grains. The first worn 3 or 4 grains the second not a grain. These & three others weighed before come one with another to 18dwt 213 & when new out of the Mint to 18dwt 412gr Assay 10dwt & 1012dwt worse.

A Barbary Ducat with Arabic letters on both sides in square tablets without any effigies or escutcheon. Weight 2dwt 1614gr. Worse 2car 112gr.

A Poland Ducat of King Casimire 1657 The kings head on one side & about it Io. Casi. D.G. Rex P. & S. And on the other side a spread eagle & horsman quartered in an escutcheon crowned & about it MON. AVREA REG. POL. 1657. Weight 2dwt. 5gr. Better 1car 012gr.

Two Holland Ducats Date 1691 1702 The last unworn, the first also unworn.
Weight 2dwt512gr 2wt512gr
Betterness 1car112gr 1car2gr

On one side a man armed with a sword in one hand & seven darts in the other & about him Concordia rss parvæ crescunt. On the other side in a square these words MO. ORD. PROVIN. FOEDER. BELG. AD LEG. IMP.

A Hungary Ducat or Ducat of Kemper in the Bishprac of Carlen coynd 1656. On one side an armed man with a sword in one hand & globe in the other & about him Ferd. III. D. G. R. I. VNG. BO. REX. On the other side in a square MO. NOV. AVREA VICITA. IMPERI CAMPEN. Weight 2dwt 513gr worn 16 grains. Better 1car. 2gr.

A Ducat with an Escutcheon crowned with a Mitre & about it Franciscus D. G. Eps Bame. W. Fr. O. Dux. And on the other side Clypeus omnibus in te sperantibus & within it the Virgin on a cloud with Christ in one arm & a scepter in the other hand. Coynd 1637. Not worn. The weight 2dwt 6gr. Better 1car. 2gr.

Another of the same. Not worn. Coynd 1638. Weight 2dwt 5gr13.


A piece of the Duke of Hannover his head & about it Ioannes Fredericus D. G. Dux Br. & L. On the reverse a Palm tree on a rock in the sea between two ships & about it. Ex duris. Gloria Anno M. DC. LXXIX & underneath V. Fein. Silver H 13 B. That is very fine silver 13 of a (new) Doller. Weight 4dwt 1714gr. Worn 14gr or not so much.

A coyn of Cosmus II Duke of Tuscany 1621. About his head Cosmus II mag. Dux Etruriæ IIII 1621. On the Reverse in a crowned coat of arms 7 mullets & about it Pisa invetustæ majestatis mem. Weight 18dwt 212gr. Worn 112 grains. Worse 712dwt

Anno 1711 Iune 20th. Six pillar pieces of eight dated 1691, 1696, 1697, 1699, 1701 Weight not taken. Assay, Worse obwt, standard. Worse 112dwt, better 1dwt Better 1dwt. standard. The inscription about the Arms was Carolus II. D. G. Hispaniarum Rex. On the Pillar's side was the word Potusi. A.

Anno 1711 Iune 20th Six Mexico pieces of eight. Better obwt, Worse obwt, Worse 1dwt, worse 1d obwt, Worse ijdwt, Worse ijdwt. One with another worse 1dwt112. All of them worn. On one side a mixt coat of arms crowned with this inscription Philippus IIII D.G. Hispaniarum & on the other side a Lyon rampant & castle quartered with the four branches of a large cross between them & this inscription & Indiarum Rex. A thousand of these pieces should weigh 875 ounces Troy. They usually weigh but 872 ounces & sometimes but 870 or 869. The arms crowned are of this form ✜ The reverse ✜