Order to convene a jury for the forthcoming pyx trial [28 July 1707]
After my hearty Commendations Whereas the Lords of her Majesties most honourable Privy Councell have appointed the day of Iuly next at 9 of the Clock in the morning to have a Triall taken of her Majesties Pix at the Court Room of the Dutchy of Lancaster within the receipt of her Majesties Exchequer at Westminster. These are to will & require you forthwith upon the receipt hereof to nominate & set down the names of a competent number of sufficient able Freemen of your Company skilfull to judge of & present the Defaults thereof (if any should be found) to be of the Iury to attend their Lordshipps at the said day & place, & to certify unto me a schedule of their names of whom you shall make choise, that they may have due summons to attend the said service accordingly. Whereof requiring you not to fail I bid you heartily farewell
Your loving friend
To my very loving friends the Wardens of the Mystery of Goldsmiths of the City of London.
Iune 1707
MINT 19/1/235, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UKJune 1707, c. 180 words.