Draft of MINT00465 (Mint 19/3/199)

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To the Rt Honble the Lds Commrs of his Mats Treary

May it pl. yor Lords.

In obedience to your Lordps order of Reference of 26 May last upon the Petition of William Hamilton that upon for receiving his place of Platebeing restored to his Place in his Mats Mint at Edinburgh: I humbly represent that I have heard & beleive that that the said Mr Hamilton {illeg}before the Vnion of the two kingdoms {sic} came over from Holland with his late Maty K. Wm & continued in his service till the death of Q. Mary & that he afterwards {illeg} purchased the Office of Clerk of the Bullion to that Mint in Scotland & pursuant to that purchase had a grant thereof from the Crown, that thesuch a salary beingof 50li pr an, & I beleive that he continued to execute that Office till so long ats the duty of the Bullion continued to be paid inableto into that Mint which which {sic} was till the {illeg} Vnion between the two kingdoms or a little after. And upon the cloeasing of that office {illeg}by the Vnion he was recompensed for that place by the loss of that place by being inserted into the Schedule of the Officers of that Mint by the title of name of Clerk of Bullion & by the Office of Assistent to the Weigher & Teller & Surveyor of the meltings with a Salary of fifty pounds per an {illeg} But upon the death of her late MajestyThe Office was intended not to be perpetual but to cease upon the next voidance of the place {illeg} Th{illeg}is schedule was annexed to the Indenture of that Mint And made between her late Mty & Mr Montgomery Mr & Wr. And upon the death of her sd Maty the Indenture becoming voyd, h{illeg}is place ceased [for want of a Patent for life]. It is in his Mats breast in consideration of his past services to make him a new grant, & it may be done by a warrant under {illeg}a Signe Manual if his Maty thinks fit for constituting him assistent to the Surveyor of the meltings during pleasure or for life wch is a Salary of 50li per an payable by the General of that Mint if his Maty thinks fit
            All wch is most humbly submitted.
And because thisat place was not intended to be perpetual byt was to cease with his life & {illeg} & it did not then appear that he was alive he was omitted in the late warrant directed to ye General of that Mint & left to for enabling him to pay the salaries of the Officers thereof of that Mintfor putting the Indenture in force & his case was left to be considered apart if he was still alive. [I beleive it may be true that he attended K. W came over from Holland with King William & continued in his service till te death of Q. Mary.] And iIf his Maty upon {illeg}the{illeg} considerations above mentioned shall please to restore him to his Place of Assistent to the Surveyor of the meltings it may be done b wch his former salary of 50li per ann either during pleasure or for life it may be done by a Warrant under a signe manual. And if his Maty shall please also to lay this further duty upon him to keep {illeg}an Account of all the Coynage Duty arising in Scotland & to pay to receive & pay the same or take case that ye same be paid into his Mats Exchequer as it ought to be by Act of Parliament, his Office will be usefull. All wch &c.