Draft relating to MINT00571 (Mint 19/2/262)

Normalised TextCatalogue Entry

Coyned anno In Gold In Silver
li.sd li.sd
1699 141376.10.0 6{illeg}0443.16.0 These years are from Christmas, to Christmas, & the Guineas are recconed only at 20s a piece.
1700 120212.00.4 14898.02.4
1701 1190019.00.0 116178.14.0
1702 162069.00.0 00354.19.0
1703 001520.08.{illeg}4 02225.16.0
1704 000000.00.0 12421.14.0
1698 471566.{illeg}10.0 326628.08.0
1{illeg}697 120446.0{illeg}3.{illeg}4 2192196.00.0
1696 138617.10.0 2511853.03.6

NB. These years are from Christmas to Christmass. And tThe {illeg}esilver coyned in the years 1696, 1697 & part of 16981698 & 1699 & 1700 1700 was out of the old English h{illeg}ammered moneys & in the {illeg} {illeg}& wrought Plate. And tThe gold coyned in 1701 & part of 1702 was out of Lewidors which by our valuing them at 17s 6d a piece came into England in great plenty untill by the Kings Proclamation they were made lowered to 17 a piece & then they came to the Mint. The Peace {illeg}brought in a competent quantity of forreign silver moneys in the years 1700 & 1701. The coyn{illeg}age of Gold In the year 1697 the coynage of gold was put off till the & {illeg} till the silver hammered moneys should b e recoyneed, & thereby the coynage of gold became the greater in the year 16

The coyned in the years 1696 1697 & 1698 was out {illeg}out of the English hammered moneys & wrt plate. That coyned in the years 1699, 1700, 1701 was {illeg}chiefly out of hammered m. wch came slowly out of the county after the heat of the recoinage was at an end. That {illeg}coyned in the year 1701 was chiefly out of forreign moneys & bullion brought in by the peace. And the Gold coyned in 1701 & part of 16702 was out of Lewidors wch by our valuing th{illeg}em at 17s 6d a piece came into England in great plenty {illeg}in the preceding years untill by the Kings Proclamation they were lowered to 17s a piece, upon wch they came to the Mint.