Amy Angell: The Information of Amy the wife of Richard Angell 20 November 1705

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Middx Ss. The Informaion of Amy the Wife of Richd Angell taken upon Oath this day of 1705.

Who saith that she knows Sr Richard Blackham and his Lady and that the said Sr Richard did invite her Sd Husband and desired him to bring this Depon.t and their Daughter Sarah to his house in Kentish town ab.t 2. months agoe, and accordingly they went thither, and saith that the Sd Sr Richd did furnish her said husband with money, to buy and procure mettall and other materialls in Order to cast and counterfeit Dutch Skillings, wch he her Sd Husband did accordingly. & that She hath seen the Sd Sr Richd Assist, by amending repaireing & blowing the fire whilst her said Husbd Richd Angell was casting dutch Skillings as aforesaid, And yt the Furnace in which the Mettall was melted, was of Sr Richards own ꝑcurem.t and likewise that the Flasks in which the same was moulded and cast, were provided by the same Sr Richard, And further saith, that she this Informant hath seen the lady Blackham (wife to Sr Richard( assist about the fire as her husband Sr Richard had done as aforesd & She hath seen the said Lady Blackham rubb, dress and Whiten the Skillings so cast as aforesd And that Sr Richard had the Skillings when finished as aforesaid           Amy her W mark Angell Capt et jurat anno et suꝑdict coram me J. Stanley