John Ignatius Lawson: Untitled, 3 April 1699
honrd Sr.
Mr Chaloner says he hath acted nothing in opposition to Mr. Carter only in procuring 2 or 3 witnesses to give in their oathes that they say him cut the plate in pieces that made the Mault Tickts. I think he sayes that Mrs. Scott is one of his evidence he likewise confirms to me that theres nothing of injenuity to be ꝑformed in Coyn or paper but he can effect with ease as soon as he can obtain his liberty is for stepping over to Holland to bite 3 or 4000 banknotes there called Lumbard bills he says that he can counterfeit any mans hand at sight + to prove it tells me yt he counterfeited an order for 3ll. to receeave {sic} in Clothes of the Mary Yatent a scotch Vessell how that the man whose hand he counterfeited will not believe but it is his own he says upon this very note Gillingham hath had a triall with two scotchmen and cast them he moreover tells me that he can wash whole lines and repair them againe not to be discerned though held agt. a Candle
His Sollicitr. Hunt was yesterday with the mr of the Bank who orderd him to go to Mr. Inch the Clerk + take him with him to the Recorder by Mr. Inch could not be found
Some friend of mr Chaloner was yesterday to speak with 7 of the Grand Iury to throw out the bills the Iury men he says lives in St. Iohn street
He tells me Ioanna Gillingham's daughter in Law hath the Mault Ticket plate in her custody he says that ye plate was designed as a Tryall for afterwards he was to make one of a 100ll he says he told of a new way of Coyning and how they have acquainted the Secretary with it he likewise hired Holloway to go to Scotland
He tells me hath mault Tickets ready printed but he doubts they are damaged by lying wett if not I shall have some of them to shew my friend
he tells me he fears one Coomes to come agt him
I have been as curious as I could to pick what I could out of mr Cha: yor. honor may judge of the truth of this matter by the Circumstances menconed I am in great hopes of procuring a Mault Ticket of him if not the plate I hope your honour will accepting my service who study's to render himself
yor honrs most obedt servt
I Lawson
<094r>I am not certain whether I have menconed how Mr Deacon filed only edges of 2 good shills and edged them again with the edger yt Shaw made this was done in the Chamber up one pair of staires at his house in Leadenhall market the file as taken out of a Drawer in the Table and seemed to have the colour of Gold Dust in it the Notes I sent to Iustice Railton was for your honr but he said he was goeing directly to you and it was alltt one I hope your honor will not take it ill
Ino Ignatius Lawson
MINT 15/17/192, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK3 Apr 1699, c. 539 words.