Copy of letter to the Chester Mint concerning the destruction of worn dyes
Wee being very well assur'd yt you must have a considerable Number of dies {sic} in yr. custody, wch: are to {sic} worn or crackd as to be altogether unfitt for any longer usage in coining ye monys: & it being our design to cause all such dies {sic} both heads & Arms, to be defac'd & broken here in ye presence of us ye Warden Master et cæta. as ought to be, & usually is done in the like case
Wee direct You therefore yt you cause all such dies {sic} as are useless, both heads & Arms of Crowns; shills & six pences to be carefully Numbred each sort distinctly & put up securely in a strong box, in ye presence of you the Depty Warden, Master Wkr: & Comptroller, & ye surveyor of ye Meltings, & ye Assistant Graver of yor Mint: & then you are to direct & send ye said box by the Waggonfirst opportunity you shall have of conveying it hither ye Waggon wch ye Kings Mony for taxes, when any such Monys are sent to Town under a Guard: takeing ye Receivers or Waggoners Receipt for ye safe delivery of ye said Box to ye Porter of the Mint in ye Tower, & enclosing yt receipt in yor Lettr: to Vs, to be deliver'd back when ye box is received here
In which Lettr Wee exspect {sic} you give use a distinckt accot: of ye whole Number of heads & Arms of ye Crowns shillings & six pences You send in the box: And ye exact Accot: or Number of each sort that shall remaine wth you
Wee are Gentn
yor Loving Friends
Is Newton
Tho Neale
MINT 10/2/74r, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK19 April 1698, c. 293 words.