Copy of charges of bringing gold from Portsmouth and melting it into ingots

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Charges of bringing her Maties Gold from Portsmouth and melting it into Ingotts
The charges of the Officer of ye Mint for riding 70 Post miles to Portsmouth } £s:d
Horse hire from Portsmouth 0:18:0
Expences on ye Road and at Portsmouth 1–1–0
Boat hire to go on board the Man of Warr 0–2–0
£ 3––16:0
To the Carryer for bringing it up, and for Arming Men to guard it 5 Guineas } 5:7–6
Charges of melting into Ingotts .16:0

Allowed the 4th March 1705/6

I: Stanley

Is: Newton

Ino Ellis



Reced ye 1st April 1706 Nine pounds three shillings six pence for the charges above mencond, and 12 pounds 18s mencon'd in my Lord Treasurers Warrant by me

G Foord

£9. 3: 6
12. 18: 0his reward
0: 16: 0for melting
L22: 17: 6