Copy of letter offering the results of the trial of the pix of 3 August 1701
To the Rt Honble: the Lord High Trearer of England
May it please Your Lordship
In Obedience to Your Lordships Order Signifyed to Vs by Mr. Lowndes the 8th Instant We humbly present to Your Lordship a Copy hereunto annexed of the Verdict of the Iury at the last Tryal of the pix that was made at Westminster the 3d August 1701.
And Wee do Certifye to Your Lordship that by the Indenture of the Mint dated the 14th: Ianuary 1702 every pound Weight Troy of all the Monies of Gold is to hold in Number and be in Value forty four pounds, ten shillings and to be in fineness at the Tryal of the same Twenty two Carrats of fine Gold and two Carrats of Allay in every pound weight Troy, which standard of Twenty two Carrats of fine Gold and two Carrats of Allay in every pound weight Troy, Her Majesty doth Will, ordain and establish by the said Indenture to be the right standard of Her Majestys Monies of Crowne Gold.
And that every pound Weight Troy of all the Monies of Silver is to hold in Number and be in Value Three pounds and two shillings Sterling, and to be in fineness at the Tryal of the same eleven ounces and two penny weight of fine silver and eighteen penny weight of Allay which 11oz: & 2dwt. of fine Silver and 18 dwt of Allay in the pound weight Troy is declared by the aforesaid Indenture to be the old right standard of the Monies of silver of England.
As for the standard of the Plate, which before the 25th. day of March 1697. was the same as that of the silver monies. We further Certfiye to Your Lordship that by the Act of Parliament of 14°. & 9 Gul. Intituled an Act for encouraging the bringing in Wrought plate to be Coined, it is Enacted that no silver Vessel, plate or Manufacture of silver shall be wrought or made less in fineness then that of Eleven ounces and ten penny weight of fine silver in every pound weight Troy.
All which is humbly Submitted
10th May 1706.
I Stanley Is Newton In Ellis
MINT 1/7/53, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK10 May 1706, c. 369 words.