Account of the moneys from fishing a wreck near the Isle of Mayo

Normalised TextCatalogue Entry


An Account of the silver Monies proceeding from 618lwt. 11oz. of silver Bullion and Spanish silver coyn melted down, being his Majes. Tenth part of the Treasure taken up from a Wreck in the sea near the Isle of Mayo, pursuant to his Majes. Pattent granted to Iacob Rowe Esqr. for fishing of Wrecks, viz.

Lwt.oz.dwt lwtoz. Lwtoz.dwt s.d
618.11.00.00. 614.03.00. 626.07.16.21. £1942.07.00.
before melting. after melted. Standard. In Tale.
Out of which having deducted five per
cent paid Iohn Sydenham Esqr. pursuant
to his Majes. Warrt. £ 97.2.–. } 99.12.00.
and for the charges of
ting inro Ingotss
} 2.10.–.
Remains clear the sum of £ 1842.15.00.
Paid to Casper frederick Henning Esqr.
for the use and service of her Majes.
Privy purse

5th December 1721

Is. Newton
