Holograph draft summary of warrants issued 1662-94 for altering the design of coins [evidently in preparation for submitting new designs following Anne's accession on 8 March]
I humbly presume to lay before your Lordp the conf an Acct of ye several {illeg} ofwhat Warrant {illeg}I meet with directed to ye offi{illeg}cers of ye Mint for altering the coyn upon e{illeg}mergent occasions.
1 A warrant dated 17 May 166{illeg}2. directed to the W. M. & C. {illeg}& the rest of ye Officers & {illeg} to all workmen & other imployed in the service of ye Mint, for coyning suchthe sorts of milled money there{illeg}in named of such forms & described according to ye Draughts presented by to ye King by Henry Slingsby Es Deputy Master & Worker, & so soon soon {sic} as the buildings tools & engins for making of milled money should be filled for service. {illeg} {illeg} signed Charles R & countersigned Edw Nich{illeg}olas.
2 Another Warrant to ye same purpose wth further directions about ye forms of ye new milled money Dated 5t Feb. 1662, signed Charles R countersigned Henry Bennet.
4 A letter Warrant 22 Mar. 168 to Tho. Neale Es Master & {illeg}Worker requiring {illeg}& authori{illeg}zing him to give order to the Graver Engraver {illeg} to prepare puncheons letters & charges for the new monies accor{illeg}ding to the dra{illeg}ughts shewed the king & approved by him & to make Dyes for coyning the same according to such directions ats the Engraver shall from time to time receive from ye said Mr Neale. Dated Signed William R. Countersigned Godolphin, IEralye. Ste Fox. No seale.
5 A letter to ye Warden Master & Comptroller 13 Iune 1689 signifying the kings pleasure th{illeg}at the Arms be impressed on ye money as is depicted in the Margin. Signed Norfolk & Marshal.
6 A warrant {illeg} 19 Iune 1689 to Tho. Neale Es Master & Worker commanding & authorizing him to impress the arms upon the mon{illeg}ey as depicted in a draught by direction of ye Duke of Norfolk E. M. of England & shewed unto & approved by the king sealed & {illeg}signed William R & countersigned Nottingham
7 A warrant 12. Sept. 1691 to ye Warden Mr & Comptroller signifying their Majts pleasure that ye Impressions on ye money are to be as depicted {illeg}in ye Margin of wch the Officers of ye Mint are to take notice of & conform to. Signed Norfolk & Marshal.
8 A warrant 15 {illeg}thereupon 15 Sept 1691 Signed like that of 19 Iune 1689 {illeg} countersigned Nottingham.
9 A warrant of ye Earl Marshal 21 Ian 1694 dat being after the death of Q Mary.
3 A warrant 16 Feb to ye Commrs for executing the Office of Mr & Wr {illeg}requiring & authorizing them to order the chief Graver to prepare puncheons letters & charges for ye small silver coyns according to ye drau{illeg}ghts shewed unto ye King & approved by him & wth dyes for coyning, according to such Directions as the said Graver shall from time to time receive from ye said Commrs Signed Iames R. countersigned Rochester, not sealed.
MINT 19/3/281, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UKAfter 8 March 1702, c. 489 words.