Order to accept no more plate unless the vendors sign a guarantee that they do not expect to be able to use the receipt as a subscription to the forthcoming public loan
The Lords Commrs. of her Majts. Treasury desire you to forebare the taking in any more Plate pursuant to the last Order in that Behalf (the Value whereof is to be accepted as mony upon any the funds or Supplys given in this session of Parliamt.) unless the persons bringing in the same do declare under their hands that they do not expect the Value of the Plate from henceforth to be tendred by them shall be accepted as part of the first payment of the sum for which there is a Bill now depending in the house of Commons
I am
Yor. most humble servt.
W.m Lowndes
14th. May 1711
MINT 19/2/543, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK14 May 1711, c. 115 words.