Holograph copy of MINT00454(b) (Mint 19/3/25)

Normalised TextCatalogue Entry


{illeg}Mint at Edinburgh &

Bi – by the names of Sige & Charis. By Bythos they mentant an infinite immense being whom they also called pr Propateor & Proarche.

– by the names of Sige & Charis. [By Bythos they meant an immense Being, the Æn Soph of the Capbbalists, calling him also Magnitude & Propator & Proarche.] By Ennoia theyse hereticks meant his faculty of The Ennoia of {illeg}i{illeg} understanding power of thinking know & understanding & know for so the Valentinians explained it wch the Greeks called the λογος ἐνδιάθετος the inhærent Mind & Reason of the father. For so the Valentinians themselves interpreted theis languages, as their tie words are cited out of one of their books by Epiphanius. In the beginning, say they, he who by himself is the father conteined all things within himself. Then the Ennœoia (Cogitation) wch was in him (wch some being being willing to exert herself (whom some call Ennœa Cogitation, others properly Charis because she effuses the treasures of Magnitutde upon those who come are from Magnitude, but others more truly call her Silence because {illeg} by cogitation without the use of speech Magnitude performs all things) she, I say, the uncorrupt Æonia being willing to extricate her self from her bonds enticed Magnitude to her embraces & brought forth the Father of truth, whom those that are perfect call the mMan viz Adam Kadmon] because he bears the likeness of the unbegotten. A Afterward Sige & the Man being conjoyned by their will brought forth tTruth Truth. This man they also called Νοῦ{illeg}ς. By Ennœa they seem to mean the power of thinking, by Νοῦς & Alethea the act preceding the Will & by Logus &

Ireneus tells us that according to the Valentinus By thos & Ennœa begant Νοῦς & h like & equal (that is ὀμοούσιος to his father, & that they Νοῦς was called by them called also the only begotten & the father & beginning Principle of all things & that Αλήθεια brought fourth Logus & Zoe & two other Æon{illeg} [& these two brought fourth Anthopus & Ecclesia & ten {sic} other Æons & Logus & Zoe brough Anthopus & Ecclesia brought forth twelve other Æons]. < insertion from > By Ennœa they seem to mean the power or faculty of thinking, by Nous & {illeg}Alethea & Vita, their effect of knoledg & truth by the access help by the assistance of the will. And this effect they called the λόγός προφορικὸς Verbum prolativuum. Now these Æons Valentinus . . . . . philosophers of Greece. But some of the Val Now These Æons Valentinus had from his Master Basilides. For they both lived together at Alexandria & Basilides taught that the unknown father be emitted Νοῦς & Νοῦς emitted Logus [& Logus emitted Phronesis & Sophia Phronesis emitted 2 Sophia & 1 Dynamis, & Dynamys & Sophia emitted Virtues & Archan Pow Archangels & Angels.] And this Theology so much resembles the Cabbalists of Deifying the powers & attributes of God Almight {illeg} very much resembles the Th Cabbalistical Theology of the Iews. that {illeg} I For The first God called by those hereticks Bythos&, Magnitude or immensity, & the unknown father is the Æn-Soph, infinite or Infinite of the Cabbalists, & their Ennoisa is the C{illeg} Νοῦς & λογος resemble the three first sepiroths called the Crown, F{illeg}s Ennoia Wisdom, & Prudensce. & the ten sephiroths are nothing th else then his powers & attributes represented in the form of persons. The first God of the Cabbalists called Æn-Soph the infinite or immense is the {illeg} first {illeg}God of these hereticks called Bythos & Magnitudo, & the ten Sephiroths are nothing else then his attri powers & attributes represented in the form of persons divine persons. Whence its probable these hereticks had their Metaphysicks as well from the Cabbalistical Iews of Egypt as from the poets & Philosophers {illeg} of Greece.

The General 3600li Scots = 300
The Master 2400 200
The principal Warden 1200= 100
The Assay master 1200= 100
To the Counter warden 720= 60
To the Sinker or Graver 600= 50
The Clerk or Bookeeper 480= 40
The Clerk of ye Bullion 333.6.8= 27∟7777=27li.15s.6d.
To the Master Smith 360. 30
The General for repairs of buildings 1106.13.4= 92∟2222=92.4

11720. 976. 6. 8

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The Counter Clerk of the Bullion to be weigher & Teller

The Master to find Moneyers whenever the Queen or Treasury requires