Recommend the commissioners for coinage in Scotland be paid a total of £700 between them

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To the Rt Honble the Ld High Treasurer of great Britain

May it please yor Lord.p

In obedience to yor Lordps Order of Reference of the 27th of November last, upon the annexed Memorial of the three Commissioners appointed by her Matys late Privy Council of Scotland to receive all the Scotts & foreign coin see it melted into Ingotts & deliver the Ingotts by weight & assay to be coined & to certify the deficiency; in which Memorial they humbly desire that your Lordsp will be pleased to appoint them a suitable reward for their own attendance & trouble & for paying their Clerk & other servants & defraying the daily charge they are put to, & grownd their Petition upon their Commission wch bears that they shall be sufficiently rewarded: We have considered the said Memorial, & because the business of these Commi{illeg}ssioners requires diligent attendance in their own persons at the meltings & their trust is also considerable, We are humbly of opinion that they may deserve for themselves & their Clerk & other servants the summ of seven   hundred pounds to be paid out of such a fund as the Iudges of her Majesties Exchequer in north Britain shall think properthe bullion or coynage duty of that mint so soon as the present coynage shall be ended the equivalent wch was the proper fund being now incumbered.

All which is most humbly submitted to your
Lordships great wisdome.

Mint Office
28th Decemb. 1708

C. Peyton

Is. Newton

In Ellis