Table of the current and intrinsic values of French coins

Normalised TextCatalogue Entry


A State of the Gold & Silver coyned Species as they now pass in France compared with the

Standard Gold & Silver Species of England

The Gold Species of France are Lo{illeg}uis D'ors of the Old or New Fabrick

dw gr Livers Sols
The Old Louis D'or weighs 4: 8 & passes for 1510 } The standard is of 11 deniers or 11oz Fine Gold or fine Silver to Every 12oz Troy
New do do 5: 6 20
The Louis blank of silver 19: 12 5

From whence it follows, That the Species of Gold & Silver of France Weigh & pass Vizt.

Livers Sols Livers oz dw gr
32212 Louis D'or & {illeg}25 Sols of the Old Species At 15. 10 is 5000. At 4dw:8gr Weigh 69: 17: 22
250 do of the New 20 5000 5: 6 65: 12: 12
1000 Louis blank Do 5 5000 19: 12 975:
Livers Sols oz dw gr £ s d
32212 & {illeg}25 Old Lewis d'ors weigh 69: 17: 22 } deniers { 279: 11: 08
250 new do 65 12 12 11 or standd is worth, coyned into Guineas at 5dw: 9gr 262: 10
1000 Lewis Blank 975 11 or standd of 11oz: 2dw–: 966oz: 4dw coynd into Crowns 19: 8 £250
The Inference is That ye 32212 & 32 Sols Old Louis d'or is 5000 } So that the Difference between the
250 new do 5000 Old Gold Species & Silver ꝑ Cent is£11.16
1000 Louis blank 5000 & the New 5