Notes on the proportion of coins of various reigns found in a sample of £101

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Edw VI shillings 13. Sixpences 23

Phil & Mar. Shiling {sic} 11. Sixpences 1.

Eliz shill 251s = 12 11s. Sizpences {illeg}450 = 11. 5s. {illeg}0

Iames I Half crowns 3 = 7s 6d. Shillings, 159 = 7lb. 19s. Sixpences 65 = 1l. 12. 6.

Charles 1st Crowns 2 = {illeg}20s. 12 Crowns 2723 = 34l. {illeg}2s. 6d. Shillings 501 = 25. 1s. Sixpence 874 = {illeg}2l. 32s. 60d

Oxford 12 Crowns 9 = 1. 2s. 6d {illeg}

Charles II {illeg} 12 Crowns 27 = {illeg}3l. 7s. 6d. Shillings 18. Sixpences 1.

Total 1001. 5s. 0d. Edw VI's mony 114423. Phil & Mary's 1176. Eliz 1414. Iam. 1st 11016 Charles 1st 1118. Charles 2d 12312.