Detailed breakdown of Mint income and expenditure for each year 1713-15, with explanatory notes on the reverse

Normalised TextCatalogue Entry


An Account of the clear produce of the Coynage Duty for the three several years last past respectively & also of the charge of coyning gold & silver money & the established charge of the Mint in England & Scotland, & incident charges attending the same.

The produce of the Coyinage Duty in England from
From 25th Decemb. 1712 to Do 1713 8039. 0. 11
From 25 Decemb. 1713 to Do 1714 8720. 19. 012
From 25 Decemb. 1714 to Do 1715 11894. 9. 8
The produce of the coinage Duty in Scodtland during the same three paid into the Excheqr the last year } 53. 9. 10
28707. 19. 512

Charges of the Mint from Christmas to Christmas

1713 1714 1715
Coynage of Godld 4269.10.6 9595.19.7 12704.5.0
Coynage of Silver 170.2.312 114.3.9 119.16.012
Charges of Assaying Refining & aAllaying & repairing furnaces } 207.16.11 342.17.0 515.18.7
Total charge of Coynage 4647.9.7812 10053.0.4 124339.19.712
Salaries 301{illeg}4.19.11 2890.0.0 2590.0.0
Repairs of houses & Offices 370.2.6 375.1110 358.6.0
Auditors fees 34. 34. 34.
Receiving the money at ye Excheqr & passing Accts } 124.17.0 187.17.6 143.18.6
Pix 118.10.5 0.0.0 58.17.8
Stationer & scalemaker 16.2.0 22.10.0 26.6.0
Diet 29.12.0 35.2.5 24.16.8
Wardens Incidents 140.18.3 157.6.0 140.3.5
Charges of Coynage 4647.9.71 2 10053.0.4 124339.19.712
Salaries & Repairs 3385.2.5 3265.11.10 2948.6.0
Incidents 429.19.8 402.15.11 394.2.3
Scotish Mint 1200 1200 1200
Prosecuting Cl. & coinrs. about 250 250 250.
Total 9912.11.8912 1517.7.1 182132.7.1012
Excess of the charge above ye Income } 1873.1{illeg}0.{illeg}912 6750.8.012 6337.18.212

The established charge of the Mint in {illeg}England for melting & coin{illeg}ing Gold in 6s 6d per Lwt, For coining silver it is 17 1s 612d per Lwt, {illeg} & a {illeg}penny more per Lwt to the moneyers if the Silver be well coined. The established Salaries {illeg} established by the Indenture {illeg}of this Mint amount unto 2590li. {illeg} {illeg} There is allowed by Act of Parliament for Salaries & repairs of house s & Officers & preparatons necessaries for melting, refining & coining not arising in the English Mint any sum not exceeding 3{illeg}500li per an. And for prosecuting Coining any {illeg}summ not exceeding 400li. And to the Mint in Scotland 1200li per an.