Appointment of Edward Harley as keeper of the officers' diet [ie. caterer], succeeding Richard Millard

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It is decreed by the free assent and order of the officers of his Mats Mint whose names are subscribed That Edward Harleige shall hould and enioy the place house and Roomes belonginge to the keepinge of the Dyett of the Mint for the Offices there in soe large and ample mann as Richard Millard his predecessor in that place did, Aswell for the ꝑvidinge of all mann of Dyette when ocasion shall require; as of occupyinge and enioyeinge all houses & ꝑfitte thereunto belonginge In witnes whereof the said Officers have here vnder sett their hands Proven at the Mint this Eight of Iune 1622

Henry Tweedy VE Villiers M
Richard Rogers Andrew Palmer Assaymr