MINT00057: Holograph copy extract from Robert Brackenbury's indenture of 20 July 1483 showing that the master found securities before the indenture was signed, with notes on ten other precedents for this order of procedure dating back to the fourteenth century

MINT00058: Extract to the same effect from John Lonison's indenture of 1572, with note (in a different hand) that the same applied to Richard Martin under James I and to Robert Harley under Charles I

MINT00059: Extracts to the same effect from earlier masters' (Robert Brackenbury's, John Lonison's and Henry Slingsby's) indentures

MINT00060: List of indentures and warrants relating to coinage made under Henry VII, Henry VIII, Edward VI and Elizabeth

MINT00121: Further holograph draft reminder of MINT00119 (Mint 19/3/336, 338), adding that 'I am now to make up my Accompts for the year ending this Christmas'

MINT01999: Draft of MINT00055(a) (Mint 19/1/411-2)

MINT02000: Draft of MINT00055(a) (Mint 19/1/411-2)

MINT01630: Henry Smithson: The Information of Henry Smithson 8 October 1702

MINT01598: John Snow: The Information of John Snow 10 November 1702

MINT00941: Request for reimbursement from Civil List for medals for her Majesty's coronation

MINT01599: Elizabeth Butcher: The Information of Elizabeth wife of Edward Butcher 19 December 1702

MINT01600: Mary Sherston: The Examination of Mary Sherston 20 December 1702

MINT01601: Richard Summers and John Hook: The Information of Richard Summers and John Hook 20 December 1702

MINT01602: Roger Gribbell: The Information of Roger Gribbell 22 December 1702

MINT01603: Robert Newman: The Information of Robert Newman 23 December 1702

MINT01604: John Hook and Robert Saker: The Information of John Hook and Robert Saker 24 December 1702

MINT01605: John Hews and Susannah Hews: The Examination of John aka George Hews and his wife Susannah 24 December 1702

MINT00291: Formula for calculating customs duty, followed by notes on the measurements of Herod's temple and a series of trigonometrical calculations

MINT00292: Fragmentary draft of MINT00291 (Mint 19/3/444) concerning the method of calculating the Queen’s duty on East India Goods

MINT00293: Copy of a mathematical demonstration of formula for calculating customs duty (Mint 19/3/444)
