MINT01477: Ann Duncomb: The Examination of Ann Duncomb of Liccabone Street in the parish of St Andrews Holborn in the said county of Middlesex Spinster 19 September 1699

MINT01491: Richard Pedder: The Information of Richard Pedder 25 September 1699

MINT00932: "A Memorial of the Warden of the Mint about his Expences in prosecuting Coyners"

MINT01492: Thomas Fletcher: The Information of Thomas Fletcher Labourer 2 October 1699

MINT01537: Thomas Chaddock: The Examination of Thomas Chaddock, servant to James Mainwairing 17 October 1699

MINT01538: Francis Ilseley: The Examination of Francis Ilseley 17 October 1699

MINT01539: Jonathan Wrenchall and Nathaniel Selby: The Examination of Jonathan Wrenchall and Nathaniel Selby, Constables in Chester, 17 October 1699

MINT01540: Ellen Harrison: The Examination of Ellen Harrison, servant to James Mainwairing

MINT01541: Inventory of Engines Instruments and other things found and Seized in the dwelling house of Joseph Horton 17 October 1699

MINT01542: Joseph Horton: The Examination of Joseph Horton 17 October 1699

MINT01543: Ann Spalder: The Examination of Ann Spalder, spinster, 17 October 1699

MINT01522: Susanna Eccleston: The Information of Sussana Eccleston of Lockwood Yard in Saffron Hill in St Anns parish 10 October 1699

MINT01493: James Fuller: The Information of James Fuller of the parish of St Mary Le Savoy Steedsman 17 October 1699

MINT01546: Ann Gill: The Examination of Ann Gill wife of Edward Gill 19 October 1699

MINT01544: John Fallows: The Examination of John Fallows 20 October 1699

MINT01545: John Yeoman, Robert Buckley and Samuel Davies: The Examination of John Yeoman, Robert Buckley and Samuel Davies 20 October 1699

MINT01547: Elizabeth Maddock: The Examination of Elizabeth Maddock, daughter of Joseph Maddock, 24 October 1699

MINT01494: John Weekman: The Information of John Weekman 28 October 1699

MINT01495: Thomas Atkinson: The Information of Thomas Atkinson 8 November 1699

MINT00491: On a request from the East India Company to be supplied with two mills and two presses for Fort St. George [in Madras]
