MINT00716: Account of tin sales made through agents abroad, in Amsterdam since 1704 and in Hamburg since 1705

MINT00717: Holograph drafts of MINT00715 (Mint 19/3/483) and MINT00716 (Mint 19/3/482)

MINT00718: Incomplete holograph draft of MINT00716 (Mint 19/3/482), followed by calculations relating to the tin trade and two holograph drafts of MINT00715 (Mint 19/3/483)

MINT00719: Partial holograph draft of MINT00716 (Mint 19/3/482)

MINT00968: Letter concerning selling of tin abroad

MINT00723: Holograph statistics of tin exports to various countries

MINT00724: Holograph draft statement of tin exports from 'Lady Day [25 March] last to 1st September instant'

MINT00720: 'An Acct of ye cost & charges of sending Tynn to Amsterdam & selling it there by commission.'

MINT00721: Draft of MINT00720 (Mint 19/3/498-9)

MINT01986: Draft of MINT00720 (Mint 19/3/498-9)

MINT01987: Draft of MINT00720 (Mint 19/3/498-9)

MINT00979: "Report of the Officers of the Mint upon the Memorial of Mr Anstis for raising the price of the tin in Cornwall"

MINT00726: Account of the quantity and value of the Queen's unsold tin held in the Tower or in the hands of various agents

MINT00982: "Officers of the Mint Report about the value of her Majesty's tin unsold"

MINT00727: 'Considerations about selling the tin'

MINT00728: Holograph draft of MINT00727 (Mint 19/3/537)

MINT01884: Holograph draft of MINT00727 (Mint 19/3/537)

MINT01885: Holograph draft of MINT00727 (Mint 19/3/537)

MINT01886: Holograph draft of MINT00727 (Mint 19/3/537)

MINT00732: Holograph draft memorandum, closely related to MINT00729 (Mint 19/3/542-3) and possibly a variant draft of it: 'Considerations upon the contracting with Cornwall for Tin'